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- Iwahata T, Shin T, Shimomura Y, Suzuki K, Kobayashi T, Miyata A, Okada H: Outcome of testicular sperm extraction in 52 spinal cord injured-men. The 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Baltimore, 2015, 10
- Shin T, Iwahata T, Kobayashi T, Miyata A, Kobori Y, Okada H: Microdissection testicular extraction in post-chemotherapy patients. The 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Baltimore, 2015, 10.
- Shin T, Fukushima M, Shimomura Y, Suzuki K, Iwahata T, Miyata A, Okada H: Vitrification using dimethyl sulfoxide free cryoprotectant is a promising cryopreservation method for fertility preservation of immature mouse testicular tissue. The 31st Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Lisbon, 2015, 6.
- Suzuki K, Shimomura Y, Iwahata T, Shin T, Okada H: Spermatogenesis of tumor-bearing testes in germ cell testicular cancer patients. The 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, New Orleans, 2015, 5.
- Shin T, Fukushima M, Shimomura Y, Iwahata T, Suzuki K, Kobori Y, Okada H: Age does matter in sperm function to activate oocytes in subfertile men. The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Hawaii, 2014, 10.
- Shin T, Fukushima M, Shimomura Y, Iwahata T, Suzuki K, Okada H: Inflammatory bowel disease and male infertility: a retrospective single-center study in Japan. The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Hawaii, 2014, 10.
- Shin T, Fukushima M, Iwahata T, Suzuki K, Sadaoka Y, Ota S, Iijima M, Sato R, Nishio K, Kawaguchi M, Kobori Y, Ashizawa Y, Yagi H, Soh S, Arai G, Okada H: Oocyte activating ability of spermatozoa appears to decrease with aging among subfertile patients. The 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, 2014, 5.
- Shin T, Kobayashi T, Shimomura Y, Iwahata T, Suzuki K, Tanaka T, Fukushima M, Kurihara M, Miyata A, Kobori Y, Okada H. Microdissection testicular sperm extraction in Japanese patients with persistent azoospermia after chemotherapy. Int J Clin Oncol. 2016 Jun 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- Shin T, Okada H. Infertility in men with inflammatory bowel disease. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 7(3):361-9. Published online Aug 6, 2016.
- Suzuki K, Shin T, Shimomura Y, Iwahata T, Okada H. Spermatogenesis in tumor-bearing testes in germ cell testicular cancer patients. Hum Reprod. [2015 Dec;30(12):2853-8.]
- Shin T, Iwahata T, Kobori Y, Kido Y, Soh S, Okada H. Chromosomal abnormalities in 1354 Japanese patients with azoospermia due to spermatogenic dysfunction. Int J Urol. [2016 Jan;23:188-9.]
- Kobori Y, Suzuki K, Iwahata T, Shin T, Sato R, Nishio K, Yagi H, Arai G, Soh S, Okada H. Induction of spermatogenesis by rhFSH for azoospermia due to spermatogenic dysfunction with maturation arrest: five case series. Syst Biol Reprod Med. [2015 Jun;61(3):168-70.]
- Kobori Y, Suzuki K, Iwahata T, Shin T, Sato R, Nishio K, Yagi H, Arai G, Soh S, Okada H. Hormonal therapy (hCG and rhFSH) for infertile men with adult-onset idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2015 Apr;61(2):110-2.
- Shin T, Kobori Y, Suzuki K, Iwahata T, Yagi H, Soh S, Arai G, Okada H. Inflammatory bowel disease in subfertile men and the effect of mesalazine on fertility. Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2014 Dec;60(6):373-6.