2010年 業績一覧
Abe S, Inoue T, Taguchi I. The entire coronary arterial system rather than just the culprit lesion should be evaluated in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Circ J 2010; 74: 430-431
Michishita R, Shono N, Inoue T, Tsuruta T, Node K. Effect of exercise therapy on monocyte and neutrophil counts in obese women. Am J Med Sci 2010; 339: 152-156
Komoda H, Inoue T, Node K. Anti-inflammatory properties of azelnidipine, a dihydropyridine-based calcium channel blocker. Clin Exp Hypertens 2010; 32: 121-128
Inoue T, Taguchi I, Abe S, Li G, Hu R, Nakajima T, Hara A, Aoyama T, Kannagi R, Kyogashima M, Node K. Sulfatides are associated with neointimal thickning after vascular injury. Atherosclerosis 2010; 211: 291-296
Sanai T, Okamura K, Inoue T, Abe T, Tsuruya K, Node K. Ultrasonographic detection of thyroid nodules in hemodialysis patients in Japan. Ther Apher Dial 2010; 14: 323-327
Kato T, Inoue T, Node K. Postprandial endothelial dysfunction in subjects with new-onset type 2 diabetes: an acarbose and nateglinide comparative study. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2010; 24: 12