What's New (Changes after the 2nd Edition's Release)
- The specimen DKY_2629 (formerly Dendrolagus sp.) was excluded because of our identification error. This may reappear if identifiable. Thanks to Amblocedekas Krentzel.
- Tables 1 and 2 in the Crania of Mammals section were modified according to the above correction.
- The scale interval in 10 superior views of the primate mandibles was found to be 1.414 mm. (NB: It is not 1 mm.) A note of caution was added to each of the relevant images. Thanks to Wataru Yano, Kyoto University.
- A vertical flipping failure was fixed in the inferior view of the DKY_2588.
- The MCPA2 was revised.
- Snapshots of living mammals are wanted. Digital images are most welcome. They may not instantly be installed in our web but will be uploaded in the next revision. Our own animal photos that are not used for the current version are in preparation for digitizing.
- The specimen ILF_0138 (formerly Dipodomys sp.) was assigned to Chinchilla lanigera. We are indebted to Fernando Mendez from Argentina. This correction was confirmed by Tomoyuki Inaba. We are grateful to him.
- Allocation error of two snapshots was corrected (from Mesocricetus auratus to Cavia porcellus). Thanks to Kim Arts and an anonymous person from Japan.
- The specimen DKY_2071 (formerly Kobus ellipsiprymnus) was assigned to Hippotragus niger. This correction was due to Lorenzo Fumagalli and verified by Satoshi Namai. Thanks a lot.
- Table 2 in the Crania of Mammals section was modified according to the above correction.
- The measurement text, a downloadable appendix, was revised. The changes are as follows: (1) error of language mixture (Japanese and English) in measurement remarks was corrected; (2) seven measurement errors were remeasured.
- All HTML data for this web (except image files) and Readme files were uploaded. Replace the old data by the new ones according to an instruction in the Readme file, if you use the MCPA contents on HDD that are installed from the DVD-ROM.
- The name of the measurement Maximum Breadth was replaced by Posterior Cranial Breadth. Its description in Appendix was modified. (Thanks to Dr. Richard F. Burton, University of Glasgow).
- The second edition was released.
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