Callithrix penicillata
black tufted-ear marmoset


Order: Primates (primates)
Family: Callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins)
Genus: Callithrix (marmosets)

Images (Go to the Represetative Specimen)

[Specimen Code (Sex, Age)]

ILF_0013 (male, -)
Measurements (mm) - Maximum Lenght: 48.2, Zygomatic Breadth: 29.5, Posterior Cranial Breadth: 26.9, Nasion-Basion: 32.4
Small Pictures ( 765 x 509 ): Left , Right , Anterior , Posterior , Superior , Inferior
Large Pictures (3060 x 2036): Left , Right , Anterior , Posterior , Superior , Inferior