Cercopithecus neglectus
de Brazza's monkey

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Order: Primates (primates)
Family: Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys)
Genus: Cercopithecus (guenons)

Images (Go to the List of the Specimens)

Specimen Code: DKY_1859, Sex: male, Age: -
Measurements (mm) - Maximum Length: 98.8, Zygomatic Breadth: 67.9, Posterior Cranial Breadth: 57.8, Nasion-Basion: 60.6

LTo Left (medium-sized) To Right (medium-sized)R

ATo Anterior (medium-sized) To Posterior (medium-sized)P

STo Superior (medium-sized) To Inferior (medium-sized)I

L: Left, R: Right, A: Anterior, P: Posterior, S: Superior, I: Inferior
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