from Junqueira

Figure 17-8.
Bronchial wall. (a): A higher power view of the bronchus shows the epithelium (E) of mainly pseudostratified ciliated columnar cells with a few goblet cells. The lamina propria (LP) contains the distinct layer of smooth muscle (SM) surrounding the entire bronchus. The submucosa is the site of the supporting cartilage (C) and the adventitia includes blood vessels (V) and nerves (N). Lung tissue (LT) directly surrounds the adventitia of bronchi. X140. H&E. (b): This micrograph shows the epithelium of a smaller bronchus, in which the epithelium is primarily of columnar cells with cilia (arrows), with fewer goblet cells. The lamina propria has both smooth muscle (SM) and small serous glands (G) near cartilage (C). X400. H&E.